Planning a brunch for a bridal shower can be a terrific way to have an elegant, but simple and inexpensive party. Budget concerns can be one of the most prominent sources of disagreement for a couple in the process of planning their wedding.
Another tip for setting a budget and sticking to it is to start saving early for your wedding. The rehearsal dinner gives the couple the chance to extend their thanks to everyone who has been involved with the wedding planning or who has simply supported them in their efforts. Although a venue may have picturesque views and gorgeously decorated rooms if the food is not up to par you may want to consider a different venue in which to host your wedding.
If your groom is a sports fan, he is sure to enjoy a night out to a game. If you or someone you know lives in an apartment complex, you might also want to look into having the bridal shower on the roof of the apartment. With a typical centerpiece only one guest has the opportunity to take home the centerpiece but using balloons makes it possible for each guest to take home a part of the centerpiece.
As the number of inter-racial couples increases, there is also an increased need for creative ways to blend two different cultures into a wedding ceremony and reception that will be enjoyed by all the guests. The traditional menu for a bridal shower calls for light hors devours that can be eaten in a cocktail hour type setting.
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